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  • Writer's pictureAleksandra Bubnova

Table Setting for Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea is always a cohesive ensemble in harmonious coordination of all its elements. Today we will discuss Table Setting for Afternoon Tea.

When setting the table, preference is always given to tableware in a unified style.

Table Setting for Afternoon Tea

If there is an ornament on the porcelain, it must harmoniously interact with all the components of the ceremony. Using tableware from completely different sets is considered bad taste. The tea table setting includes: tea sets, dessert plates, tea spoons, forks, and knives for each guest, one or several teapots (depending on the number of tea varieties chosen), a milk jug with milk, a strainer with a stand, as well as a sugar bowl with white refined sugar and tongs. Special serving tongs for snacks are also used for convenience.

Table Setting for Afternoon Tea

Elegant and beautiful table setting is an essential attribute of the ceremony. The table for Afternoon Tea is covered with a plain, not overly bright tablecloth so as not to overshadow the host of the ceremony but to emphasize their opulence and magnificence. A vase with fresh live flowers, like a groom's boutonniere, often adorns this majestic tea ritual.

Afternoon Tea can be confidently called a masterpiece in the world of traditions. Since such a tea gathering is directly associated with celebration, the English treat the surrounding atmosphere with special care. For Afternoon Tea, they create a truly regal, luxurious, yet understated atmosphere.

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